
Get honest answers

Octahedron assessments are fully anonymous. They never capture any personal information about you.

Anonymous assessments increase honest answers by 75%. This is an example of high psychological safety.

Anonymous vs Confidential

Octahedron uses anonymous, not confidential, responses. Learn the difference.


Nobody knows your answers

With an anonymous assessment, your answers can never be traced back to you. The Octahedron system does not capture any personally identifiable information (PII).

Even if someone wanted to know who said what, Octahedron couldn't tell them because this information is never captured.


Some people know your answers

Many internal corporate surveys claim they're confidential. This means that some people know your answers, though they may or may not share that information with others.

While confidential, many employees feel less inclined to be fully honest with their answers, in fear of being identified.

Minimal data collection

Octahedron only collects assessment data to help your team's success.

See what data is collected and not collected anytime someone takes an assessment.

Data collected

  • Assessment answers
  • Date & time completed

Data not collected

  • Name
  • Email
  • Location
  • Other personal information

Anonymous results

  • See how everyone rates your team across each of the four dimensions to accelerate team success.
  • Responses are anonymous and randomized* to keep focus on the team average.
  • *The responses in the charts are mixed so that Response 1 on one dimension chart is a different person than Response 1 on other dimension charts.